The child safe standards information session aims to provide an overview of the proposed standards including:

•     What are the child safe standards?

•     Why are child safe standards being introduced?

•     Who needs to meet the child safe standards and why?

•     What do I need to do?

•     What support materials are available?

•     What are the new criminal offences on child abuse?


Monday 16 November or Wednesday 2 December 2015

9:30 am to 12:00 pm or 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm


Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare Inc.
50 Market Street, Melbourne VIC 300

Please RSVP to Trybooking

Please nominate only one or two people from your organisation, as information session spaces are limited.

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) will also be conducting information sessions across Victoria that will be promoted by divisions. The rural sessions will be for services funded or regulated by DHHS only. There will be further tailored information sessions in 2016. 

Note: If you are unable to attend an information session, information about the child safe standards is available on the department’s website. 


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Last updated: 10 Nov 2015