Announcement of Election Results and confirmation of 2024/2025 Board

The following declaration has been received from Kirsten Smith, Returning Officer:

In accordance with Section 14 of the Constitution of the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare Incorporated, I announce the results of the 2024 Annual Elections for the Board.

There were three vacancies this year. 

At the close of nominations on Wednesday, 6 November 2024, I had received four valid nominations. Since the number of nominations exceeded the number of vacancies, a ballot was required. 

The candidates elected after distribution of preferences according to the Borda counting method are: 

Janise MITCHELL,  Australian Childhood Foundation 
Justin FLYNN, Uniting (Victoria and Tasmania) Limited 
Ninevah HOOPER, MacKillop Family Services 

The above candidates will be declared elected to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Election on Monday, 27 November 2024 

Kirsten Smith 

Tasmania representative

The Centre is pleased to announce that Jeremy Pettet from Uniting Tasmania has been appointed as the interim State/Territory Representative for Tasmania.

As the Centre transitions to becoming a cross-jurisdictional peak body, having strong representation from Tasmania is crucial. The FACT board has nominated Jeremy for this important role.

Jeremy is the Executive Officer at Uniting Tasmania, based in Hobart, and has dedicated his career to leading values-driven nonprofit organisations in the social and community services sector. He also serves as the Chair of Foodbank Tasmania.

The role of State/Territory Representative for Tasmania will be open for election by the Tasmanian membership in November 2025. This elected representative will then serve a three-year term.


Our Board 2024-25

  • Board Chair – Teresa Jayet, Mallee Family Care
  • Deputy Chair – Andrew Bruun, Youth Support and Advocacy Service (YSAS)
  • Treasurer – Sue Sealey, Anglicare Vic
  • Tasmania Representative – Jeremy Pettet, Uniting Tas/Vic


  • Heidi Tucker, Anchor
  • Allison Wainwright, Family Life
  • Sue White, Queen Elizabeth Centre
  • Justin Flynn, Uniting Tas/Vic
  • Janise Mitchell, Australian Children’s Foundation
  • Ninevah Hooper, MacKillop Family Services
Janise Mitchell, CEO of the Australian Childhood Foundation, joined the Centre's Board in November 2024.

Welcome Janise Mitchell, Australian Childhood Foundation

Janise Mitchell is the CEO of the Australian Childhood Foundation and Director of the Centre for Excellence in Therapeutic Care. She is also an Adjunct Associate Professor at the School of Arts and Social Sciences at Southern Cross University.

Janise has more than 38 years of experience in child protection and child trauma, with a focus on therapeutic care. In 2008, she completed a Master of Social Work (Research), in which she researched the implementation of therapeutic foster care in Victoria. Janise is a founding Board member of the National Centre for Action on Child Sexual Abuse and the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare.

Janise has experience in child protection, high-risk adolescents, public policy analysis, program development and evaluation. She has extensive experience in the development of innovative therapeutic programs for traumatised children and young people. Janise has provided consultancy to many governments on the issue of therapeutic services for children and young people and regularly participates in state and national Advisory Groups seeking to address the needs of children and young people in child protection, out-of-home care, secure care and youth justice sectors. Janise is committed to evidence-informed practice and believes strongly in the participation of young people in developing services, policies, and programs that seek to support them.

Ninevah Hooper joined the Centre's Board of Directors in November 2024.

Welcome Ninevah Hooper, MacKillop Family Services

Ninevah Hooper is the Director of Child, Youth & Family Services for Victoria’s North, South and East regions and MacKillop’s National After-Hours Service.  Ninevah has worked in the out-of-home care and Family Services sector for over thirty years, including previous experience in Child Protection.  She has been a co-author of articles in relation to trauma-informed practice and family-focused work, which has been featured in Social Work journals.  She is passionate about hearing the voices of children and their families, delivering a comprehensive suite of high-quality children, youth and family programs and services in line with funding agreements, targets and registration standards.

Jeremy Pettet - CFECFW Board representative for Tasmania

Welcome Jeremy Pettet, Uniting Tasmania

Jeremy Pettet, based in Hobart, has built his career managing values-driven nonprofit organisations in the social and community services sector. He currently serves as Chair of Foodbank Tasmania and St Brigid’s Catholic School in New Norfolk and is a former Director of Families and Children Tasmania.

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Last updated: 18 Dec 2024