Enhancing practitioner skills through reflective coaching

Coaching enhances practitioners’ capacity in a safe environment to reflect, encourage learning, and explore new understandings and skills. The Centre’s Coaching Model focuses on five key principles that form the framework for each specific coaching program.

Each session is conducted in a reflective space with a trusted Practice Leader to develop skills, explore evidence-informed practices and discover alternative ways of embedding theories into practice. Participants can use the coaching space to fill up their toolkit with evidence-informed practices, discover and reinforce their core values to best integrate into practice, consider sensitive practices, and cultural considerations, and sitting comfortably in uncomfortable situations when things do not go as planned.

Coaching provides practitioners with the skills and confidence to provide a quality service to their clients through:

  • Establishing a connection with clients through using non-judgemental language and approach;
  • Learning how to have authentic conversations that balance empathy and challenges to create meaningful change;
  • Supporting the clients in their healing journey through empowering their narratives;

Each coaching session consists of:

  • A case reflection to apply the theory to practice principles;
  • Active practice with practitioners to increase confidence in practice with clients; and
  • A focus on embedding micro skills in practice to support practitioners’ growth.

Learning outcomes

  • Gain an understanding of a range of evidence-informed practices to use in their client work;
  • Develop new skills to apply in challenging and complex environments;
  • Apply continuous improvement techniques through practice and reflection.

Who can benefit from coaching?

Practitioners, social workers, clinicians, teachers, wellbeing counsellors and other workforce participants who are part of an integrated system that impacts a child or young person’s life (and their family) and who wish to embed skills and have a safe space to reflect on work practices.

Coaching Program

Coaching sessions typically run for 1.5 to 2 hours monthly for 2 to 6 months.

Sessions can be conducted either online or in person.

Need help?
Contact the Centre's Learning and Business Development team for more information about this training.
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