Defining professionals’ teams and care teams

This training will teach participants the difference between Professionals’ Meetings and Care Team Meetings; the what, when, why and how, while capturing the voice of the child/family.

Participants will also learn how to build and support collaborative partnerships, define roles and responsibilities,
and manage discord when it presents. Participants will also receive tools and resources to support their Care or
Professionals’ Team responsibilities effectively.

Program Topics

  • How to structure and coordinate a meeting.
  • Roles and responsibilities.
  • Defining Professionals’ Teams and Care Teams.
  • How to support collaborative partnerships and manage discord.
  • Tools and resources.

Learning outcomes

  • Defining professionals’ teams and care teams.
  • How to support collaborative partnerships: roles and responsibilities and information sharing.
  • How to structure a meeting: manage discord, relationship rebuilding and record keeping (timeframe and

Intended audience

Anyone who completes day to day case management roles including but not limited to Team Leaders, Practitioners, Practice Leads and support workers who are required to facilitate, participate, and/or coordinate Professionals’/Care Team meetings.

Managing Care and Professionals Teams

This is an interactive 4-hour session that can be delivered either online or in-person.

To optimise the learning experience and maximise opportunities for learner participation, audience capacity is 30 participants per session.

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