Reducing criminalisation of young people in residential care through trauma-informed and culturally safe practices.

This e-learn supports operational workforces from the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing,  Department of Justice and Community Safety, Victoria Police and residential care service providers to better understand the Framework to reduce criminalisation of young people in residential care, and the ways in which workers at all levels can support implementation. Young people in residential care are over represented in the police and youth justice system.

This e-learn is designed to support all organisations that may be working with young people in residential care to better respond to behaviours of concern, that might result in police contact, in a culturally safe and trauma-informed way.

Those undertaking this course should walk away feeling confident in the objectives of the framework and how the principles can be applied in their organisation and day to day work.

Learning objectives

  • Explain how the Framework can reduce unnecessary and inappropriate contact of young people in residential care with police and the youth justice system.
  • Recognise the importance of trauma-informed practice and how it can be applied to support young people in residential care.
  • Describe the guiding principles, and joint and individual responsibilities, for signatory agencies that reinforce trauma-informed responses, connection to culture, and positive behaviour approaches.
  • Explain where to find further resources and information to support the implementation of the Framework.

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