5th Annual Sector Research Symposium

From Inquiry to Action: Research, policy and practice conference

Silver Sponsor

This two day Research Conference will inform, challenge and inspire those concerned with taking the next steps – from Inquiry to Action. Whether carrying Inquiry into Action through research, practice enhancement, program improvement or policy development, this event will provide the opportunity to share latest developments with colleagues.

Full Program Available Now

Key Note Presenter Day 1: Professor Marie Connolly, University of Melbourne

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Professor Marie Connolly is the Chair and Head of Social Work at the University of Melbourne. She has published extensively, including 12 books in her area of scholarship. Her research interests include: the research-practice-interface in child protection; children in statutory care; family group conferencing and family engagement strategies in child welfare; reforming child protection systems; and rights-based practice in child and family welfare. Her teaching areas reflect her areas of research and scholarship: child and family welfare; and social work theory and practice.

Key Note Presenter Day 2: Emily Munro, Deputy Director of the Thomas Coram Research Institite, UCL Institute of Education 

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Emily Munro began her career at the Centre for Child and Family Research (CCFR), Loughborough University. During her time there she undertook an extensive body of research to inform child welfare policy and practice. At an international level, Emily is a coordinator of the International Research Network on Transitions to Adulthood
from Care (INTRAC), which is a world-wide network of researchers concerned with the process of transition. Emily joined Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU) in 2013. Her new role includes management of rapid response projects commissioned by the Department for Education to inform the child protection and adoption reform agendas.

Please click on the links below to access copies of the presentations.

Stream 1: Child Safety: Beyond Inquiry – How can we keep children and young people safe?

​Stream 2: Educational Outcomes for Vulnerable Children – Our challenges and opportunities for the next decade

Stream 3: Research, Evidence and Practice of Working with Vulnerable Families in Australia

Stream 4: The Voice of Young People, Children, Parents & Carers in Research, Policy and Service Delivery

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Last updated: 14 Jul 2015