On Thursday 9th October, the Minister for Community Services Mary Wooldridge announced the locations and lead agencies for the 8 Services Connect Partnerships, together with $9m of funding for the next 2 years to support more than 5,000 adults, children and young people.

In a Victorian first, community services providers will come together in new Services Connect Partnerships to test models of integrated child and family support, mental health, alcohol and drug treatment, family violence, housing, disability and Aboriginal specific services.

Services Connect integrates and streamlines services by giving individuals and families one point of contact, one plan and one client record across the range of services.

"The Napthine Government is reforming the way we deliver community and human services to give people greater choice and control over their lives, while also connecting them to the right level of support," Ms Wooldridge said.

"The next phase of developing Services Connect draws on the expertise of the non-government sector to deliver the model in their local communities.

"Around 180 organisations have already put their hands up to take part, which shows just how committed the wider community sector is to reforming the way we do things for clients.

"We have seen real improvements in the lives of people within the Services Connect trials but this investment in Partnerships acknowledges that we must join government with the community sector to achieve the best possible outcomes for vulnerable Victorians.

"Everyone in the community sector has a role to play in these reforms over the coming years as we work together to build the human services system of the future," Ms Wooldridge said.

"The Napthine Government values the community sector's innovation and expertise which is essential to continuing the expansion of Services Connect. The Partnerships will test the Services Connect client support model and 'co-design' a new access model to improve the way people connect to information and services."

The locations of the eight Services Connect Partnerships and their lead agencies are:

  • Hume Moreland Services Connect Partnership, led by Kildonan Uniting Care;
  • Outer Eastern Melbourne Services Connect Partnership, led by Anglicare Victoria;
  • Outer Gippsland Services Connect Partnership, led by Gippsland Lakes Community Health;
  • Southern Melbourne Services Connect Partnership, led by Youth Support and Advocacy Service & Connections Uniting Care;
  • Brimbank Melton Services Connect Partnership, led by MacKillop Family Services;
  • Loddon Services Connect Partnership, led by Haven; Home, Safe;
  • North East Melbourne Services Connect Partnership, led by the Children's Protection Society and Berry Street; and
  • Barwon Services Connect Partnership, led by Glastonbury Community Services.

For more information visit www.servicesconnect.vic.gov.au

Minister Wooldridge's media release can be found here.

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Last updated: 09 Oct 2014