Sheree Gee is the Team Leader for Foster Care Engagement at Brophy Family and Youth Services in Southwest Victoria, overseeing foster care enquiries, assessments, community engagement and supporting the Home Based Care team. She recently completed a six-month secondment at The Centre as a Foster Carer Connection Specialist within the Fostering Connections team.  

Her secondment role allowed her to apply her knowledge and gain unique insights, build lasting professional relationships, and immerse herself in The Centre’s dynamic work environment. She says the experience enriched her understanding of the family and child services sector and allowed for personal and professional growth. 

We sat down with Sheree to hear about her transformative time at the Centre.

What was your role at the Centre? How long were you here?

I had the privilege of completing a six-month secondment as the Foster Carer Connection Specialist in the Fostering Connections team.

The key aspects of my role were responding to public enquiries about the process of becoming a foster carer and providing support and advice to the 26 Community Service Organisations (CSOs) and Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) providing foster care services in Victoria.

What did you enjoy most about your time at the Centre?

Coming from a small-medium size agency in regional Victoria, I loved the opportunity to liaise with other CSOs and ACCOs.

 It was interesting to learn about different approaches teams might take to recruiting and practices while discussing similarities in barriers and issues we all share in recruiting foster carers.

I was able to support some smaller agencies with recommendations on how to interpret frameworks and guidelines and discuss case studies to assist in the assessment process of foster carers.

The role required me to develop a stronger understanding of the Departmental Guidelines and Step-By-Step package so that I could confidently speak to other professionals seeking support and clarity.

Did you pick up any new skills or knowledge?

The connections I made in the few months with the Centre are invaluable.

Not only do I feel that I have stronger relationships with several professionals within other foster care agencies, but I have also already called upon some staff in different programs at the Centre for support, information and resources to assist me and my team moving forward.

How has your time working with the peak supported your career and/or professional goals?

I have gained confidence in my skills and knowledge; I attribute this to the positive peer and supervisory feedback I received while in the role. I was made to feel welcomed, and my contributions were encouraged.

Tell us about the role you stepped into once you left the Centre.

I am the Team Leader for Foster Care Engagement, overseeing foster care enquiries, assessments, community engagement and supporting the Home Based Care team.

Sheree’s brought a collaborative spirit that left a lasting impact on our team. We look forward to seeing the continued influence of her work in the foster care community.

Find out more about working joining the team at the Centre.

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Last updated: 02 Aug 2024