Tailored education support for children in out-of-home care who have become disengaged from school will have a lasting impact on their future, creating opportunities for them to thrive, according to The Centre’s CEO Deb Tsorbaris.

The Victorian Government has announced the extension of the Tutor Learning Initiative until at least 2025, including new support for 500 students who have become disengaged from school in care settings.

“Research has shown that children and young people living in out-of-home care are more likely than their peers to experience educational challenges. These challenges start in the early years, but interventions at any point are important to make sure they can catch up and get the best start to build a strong foundation for future learning,” says Ms Tsorbaris.

“For a lot of children in care, school is a safe, stable, and secure place for them, and they do really well. But if they have had a lot of disruptions and changes to schooling, it can have a huge impact on their confidence and their engagement,” she says.

“Bringing trauma-informed tutoring services into schools through this program means we are able to give these kids an opportunity to re-engage in school, have some success in their studies, and build a sense of pride and belonging.”

This support will complement schools as the primary place of learning, by delivering support beyond the school gate – reaching students who, for many reasons, are unable to access in‐school help.

“One of the most crucial elements of supporting education opportunities for children in care is the relationships between the child and their carers, their case manager, and the school. It’s encouraging to see supports included that will reach kids beyond the school gate and work with their care teams to bring them back to the classroom.”

The extension of the Tutor Learning Initiative adds an additional $485 million to the $1.2 billion program, making sure every student identified as ‘Needing Additional Support’ in the 2023 and 2024 NAPLAN assessments at a government school will get it.

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Last updated: 08 Sep 2023